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Friday, November 28, 2014


We finally got new countertops to finish up all the work we have done on our house. When I say we I really mean Johnny :) 
Countertops look amazing and our kitchen feels and looks so much different. 


It has a lot of character several "veins" throughout the countertops.. 

I also love the sink ! 

Monday, November 24, 2014


This is month is just flying by.. Between working, playdates, birthdays and taking care of Tyler it seems like the days are just flying by. I've been trying to eat better and not go out as much and I have been working out but it's hard to get motivated, I'm always running around trying to keep up with lil man... Tyler is learning more and more each day and it makes me sad when I look at his baby pictures.

Last week we went to zoo lights at the phoenix zoo.  Here are a few pictures from my phone ..


We also went to Braden's first birthday party !! It was adorable. 


Friday, November 14, 2014

Cho Cho

Tyler loves cars and choo choos so a few months back we got him a train table and this has been such a good investment he plays with it everyday. He does make a mess and brings every little toy and puts them on the table but he actually uses it which makes me happy. Didn't realize how fast we could accumulate toys so I went through them and kept the ones that he plays with the most out in his play room. I've been trying to teach him some colors and it melts my heart when he says "blue choo choo"


    I love his lips!!
 Johnny does the same thing with his lips when he is concentrating on something.....

He likes to line up all the train on the track.

Thursday, November 6, 2014


Breanna was our model to show off the super cute headbands that BelBambinos makes.. They are just adorable and of course Breanna made it easy to photograph...
Oh my.. If I have a girl Erin will be a busy bee for me because I would want all the headbands...