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Sunday, December 13, 2015


So Tyler is all into star wars now for some odd reason.. Well he loves robots and space ships so I guess I should've seen that coming....

My new job is such a great company they hired a professional photographer and had a santa so the kids and families could come and take a picture with him!!!
We had to wait for maybe 40 minutes to see Santa..

When it was our turn Tyler looked right at me and said 'Mommy its Santa" and told Santa "Star works ship ship" = star wars spaceship hahah

Well this was a lot different than last years photos!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Tyler 2015

While Johnny went on his hunt I managed to bribe Tyler with mini M&Ms and was able to get some pictures of him. The weather was perfect for pictures!!! A lot of the pictures was just Tyler running after me and being so goofy. But I was able to get a few good ones..Here are a few..

                                                        I love this one. Trouble maker!

Being goofy!...

Monday, November 23, 2015


Tyler was so excited to get candy and to dress up and didn't like when the kids came to our house and took "his" candy!!! It was so funny. 

   He took all the candy we were going to hand out and put it all in his bucket.  


Monday, November 2, 2015

Johnny's hunt

Johnny was so happy he was able to get his elk on the first day and it was a far away shot.. He was super excited.
We went to Payson and stayed until both of them got their elks
Then we stayed a few more days to cut the meat, make hamburgers. and packed so much meat. It was fun learning to do it but it was so messy!!!

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The idea museum

I've been hearing about this place and wanted to check it out.  Tyler loved it!! It's definately a place for the younger ones but they have a craft areas that would be good for older kids. 

Tyler doesn't sit still long enough for crafts ..

 They had a music area 
 A book area with some books and cute little chairs 

Play dough area 

And finally his favorite area, garden with  fake vegetables and fruits and a little grill. Tyler stayed there most of the time. 

 It was a small place compared to the children's museum but it was a cute little place and when Tyler has fun we all have fun!! 
I wish I had my better camera but I was able to get some cute pics :)) 

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Learning Portuguese

I've been teaching Tyler portuguese but I should be doing more than just movies and music in portuguese.  Since he started school he's speech is getting much better and every night we read several books in English.  Unfortunately I don't have that many books in Portuguese so I decided to make these cards.  
After searching and searching online I managed to put this together .. I tried to incorporate some of the words that he already knows but want him to increase his vocabulary. 

I love these cards Johnny got me, they were perfect for this project. 

Friday, August 7, 2015



We just love going up there and let Tyler go crazy and just run around, not watch any tv and just let him be a little boy. He loves it and we love it.. Who wouldn't be going there to visit when baby James is in Arizona. Another reason to go there and see that cutie pie...Here are some pics I took with my phone...