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Sunday, May 24, 2015

Tyler's cars

Tyler got a new ride the other week. We figured he has been through so much this month that he deserved something special. He might not know why... But we do.!
He wont steer but he understand how to go forward..

Being a typical 2 yr old and wont look at the camera =)


He loves this car as well.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Cali trip

Tara was nice enough to invite us to spend a few days with her uncle in Carlsbad.. We had a good time..
Amazing breakfast at the Potato barn. Maybe I was starving but the French toast was delicious!! 

It was cloudy and raining so we went to this aquarium for the morning, it was fun Tyler loves "peixes" aka fish in Portuguese. 

How cute are these Legos.. We didn't go in to Lego land only because I think Tyler is too little to like it. But I think we would've had fun! I know Tara and I would!

We sat there and watched these Seals, it was relaxing, so relaxing that Tyler fell asleep in my arms..  


At the pier..

Tyler had a bad cough so we only went to the beach to play one day since the water was so cold!!.. He loved it!! He screamed  "Beachhhhh"

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Breanna is 1

Can't believe this little princess is one already!! Her party was super cute. Pink overload!!!  Here are a few pics.  

Tyler exaggerates on his "cheese" Everytime !!