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Sunday, December 13, 2015


So Tyler is all into star wars now for some odd reason.. Well he loves robots and space ships so I guess I should've seen that coming....

My new job is such a great company they hired a professional photographer and had a santa so the kids and families could come and take a picture with him!!!
We had to wait for maybe 40 minutes to see Santa..

When it was our turn Tyler looked right at me and said 'Mommy its Santa" and told Santa "Star works ship ship" = star wars spaceship hahah

Well this was a lot different than last years photos!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Tyler 2015

While Johnny went on his hunt I managed to bribe Tyler with mini M&Ms and was able to get some pictures of him. The weather was perfect for pictures!!! A lot of the pictures was just Tyler running after me and being so goofy. But I was able to get a few good ones..Here are a few..

                                                        I love this one. Trouble maker!

Being goofy!...