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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Karrah's baby shower..

Karrah had her baby shower which turned out super cute, with the help of Jennifer and Valerie we made an awesome team and got things done!!!

From the invitations to the little confettis and the banners everything was bee shape/theme..

We played a couple of games.. What will it bee?? Hee or She.. the majority of the guests guessed boy..

Party favors were adorable too.. little jars of honey, chocolate covered pretzels and a little goodie bag for each guest..

Valerie made these and they were just perfect.. I need some for myself.. I loved them!
Karrah and her little baby bump..  She is glowing =)

The cake and the cake pops went really good together and they were both very good.

Funny that every couple had a boy first so far.. Same with the first 3  marriages..
Valerie married J arred..
Johnny married J osy..
Jennifer married J ake...

She got quite a few gifts.. everything for sure will come very handy and she will be using all of it..

Cant wait to meet this little man.. I'm glad that Karrah enjoyed her baby shower and that everything turned out so cute...
I wonder who will be next...