Welcome to the world banner, name, cupcakes, sign in book and some other cute little things..
Prizes for the games....
Welcome to the world cupcakes..
Goodie bags, I found some gum balls with the colors, world chocolate balls, chocolate covered almonds, green and blue m&ms and jelly beans...
Jennifer already had the mustache necklace holder which was perfect for one of the games..
I tried to make something different for the sign in book.. I used mod podge and world map scrap book paper for the background, got some letter to spell out his name and the circles for the balloons and it turned out pretty cute.
Paula and Johnny worked on the motorcycle...
This was a little trickie but Paula and I pulled it off..
Measure the belly game, Paula wanted to play since they had the same game for her baby shower =))
Jake's mom and grandma.
Cant wait to meet this little man...
My sister is expecting a baby girl May 22nd as well, I'm excited to have new babies in the family..