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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Butterfly exhibit

There is this cute new place in Scottsdale its a butterfly exhibit. I love butterflies and loved seeing all of the different types. Tyler had fun too, even though he did touch a couple butterflies with his hands but what do they expect.. cant tell a 1yr old that he is not supposed to grab and squish a butterfly...

 Butterflies were landing all over our backs it was pretty neat.

 I thought this was kind of cute and funny.
He was only supposed to put 2 fingers in the water as instructed.. lol but he was splashing the water tryin to grab the stingrays..



  1. Oh my gosh. This place looks awesome! I would love to take the kids there. Maybe when we visit this summer? Is it far?

    1. We would definitely go again. I loved it!! It was 20 minutes from our house. Im sure your kids will love that place.
